Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Begin the New Year in Thanks Write a Gratitude List

Begin the New Year in Thanks Write a Gratitude List Begin the New Year in Thanks: Write a Gratitude List How many times have you told yourself, This year Im going to lose weight, or This year Im gonna start a business, or pursued some other grand idea that never quite panned out? Weve all been there. This year, forgo the back-breaking resolutions that make you feel like a failure. Start the year fresh with a gratitude list. What’s a â€Å"Gratitude List?† A gratitude list is a simple exercise that can pull you out of sticky bad feelings. Take out a piece of paper (or your phone or laptop), and start writing things that are good in your life. It may seem hard at first, but starting out with a small list of five things and adding to it throughout the week can lift your spirits and create a happier and healthier you. It might be a foreign concept, but it works. Why Do a List? When you’re not feeling content or well, it’s great to look at your gratitude list. When nervous, angry, or scared, take a deep breath and reflect upon the things for which you’re grateful. It’s been proven that people who live in a spirit of gratitude do better at school and in work. A good mood can affect your life tremendously, and help you during difficult times. Making up a gratitude list may sound cheesy, but it helps de-clutter your head and allow you to focus on the positive. For more helpful tips to better yourself and your future, call 1-800-573-0840. will help you write well, achieve academically, and more.

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